The Best Natural Meal Replacement – Ka’Chava Review

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  1. Brand: Ka’chava
  2. Flavor: Vanilla, Chocolate, Chai, Coconut Acai, Matcha
  3. Item Form: Powder
  4. Weight: Vanilla Total Bag Net Weight = 31.8 oz. / 900 g Chocolate Total Bag Net Weight = 32.8 oz. /930g
  5. Allergen Information: Trace Elements (Tree nuts) Gluten and Soy-Free
  6. Age Range:
  7. Package Type: Paper
  8. Texture: Creamy, Rich
  9. Taste: Delicious, not too sweet
  10. Rating Score: 9.5 Stars out of 10 Stars

Vanilla: 2 scoops = 2.12 oz. / 60 g per serving

Ingredients of Ka’Chava

Chocolate: 2 scoops = 2.19 oz. / 62 g per serving        

The Best Natural Meal Replacement

The world we live in is moving at a fast pace. Everything we need is at our fingertips. It’s so easy to get caught up in the unhealthy patterns. There’s no time to cook a healthy breakfast. For instance, a bowl of rolled oats with fresh blueberries. Then add sliced banana, diced cantaloupe, and an omelet. Therefore, we end up eating a Big Mac and miss out on the best natural meal replacement of.

Best Way to Control Your Cravings

Wouldn’t you like to take a much better path in life? Why not start your day with a nutritious, power-packed all-in-one meal replacement? What have you got to lose? This super food can do wonders for people who don’t have time to concoct a meal. In fact, it has potential to nourish your body and mind.

Believe it or not, it will actually control your cravings for fast food. Plus, it builds muscle and boost your immune system. The benefits of the best natural meal replacement are endless. Let dive in and find out about Ka’Chava? Shall we?

Who is the Founder of Ka’Chava?

The founder Ka’Chava is Simon Malone. He is a graduate of University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He was successful in the corporate world for many years. However, that wasn’t is forte. Due to his busy schedule, he ended up living on fast foods. He reached a point where he could no longer put his health on the back burner.

Founders Craved Plant-Based Foods

Eventually, his lifestyle took a 180-degree turnaround. He and his wife started eating plant-based whole foods. They also foraged for natural nutrients in the earth. Their passion for these foods continued to grow. So, they started blending these superfoods together.

Meal Replacement Stops Cravings

The meals they created provided nutrients to stop cravings. Moreover, these meals gave them energy throughout the day. They wanted only natural ingredients that had no artificial sweeteners, fillers, or preservatives. Thus, the Kachava all-in-one meal replacement was born.

Ka’Chava- A Natural Meal Replacement

Kachava or Ka’Chava is a plant-based, all-in-one super meal. Kachava Whole Body Meal formula provides all of your essential protein fiber. Also, it contains Omega 3, greens, MCTs, probiotics, adaptogens, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Kachava provides only the highest quality of ingredients.

Clean Ingredients

Furthermore, Kachava is clean. It does not contain dairy, gluten, soy, or preservatives. Also, it has no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or fillers. One more thing, the benefits you receive from this meal replacement is phenomenal.

There are Five Benefits of Ka’Chava


  1. A study in Integrative Medicine journal shows that
  2. Reishi Mushrooms effect the white blood cells positively.
  3. This mushroom can improve immunity, mood and sleeping pattern
  4. Shiitake Mushrooms have many bioactive components such as sterols, Polysaccharides, Terpenoids and Lipids
  5. It also has riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B12, Fiber Protein Carbs, Folic Acid, Zinc, Selenium and other nutrients.

Journal of American College of Nutrition shows that Shiitake can improve one’s immunity and lower cholesterol.  



Kachava is power packed with muscle builders. It has 26 essential vitamins and minerals. Plus, 8 antioxidant-rich fruits, 17 greens and veggies.

These nutrients fuel workouts, build muscle and aid in recovery. Muscles need protein, iron, electrolytes, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Magnesium.


A poor diet causes stress and anxiety and can lower productivity. Nutritional Psychiatry shows that nutritional deficiency can exacerbate anxiety, depression, and stress.

Kachava improves psychological and cognitive health. It is chock full of nutrients. Omega-3 fatty acids, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc. Plus, Selenium, B-Complex Vitamins, Vitamin C, Probiotics, and Vitamin D.


The Journal of Biomedicine show that Chia seeds can boost energy, reduce appetite and help in weight loss. Chia seeds contain B3, fiber, fat, protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, Vitamin B1 and B2.

A study in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry shows that Coconut has Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) that promote fat loss and aids metabolism.


Research suggest that nutrients can improve your hair, skin and nails. Vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients in Kachava can improve texture and strength of hair and add luster.


  1. You can mix it with water or milk. You can bake with it. Sprinkle it on your cereal or yogurt.
  2. No animal product
  3. Artificial sweeteners 0
  4. Preservatives 0
  5. 100% Money back guarantee           PROS AND CONS - LEFT THUMB DOWN RT THUMB UP


  1. There are trace amounts of allergens (tree nuts)
  2. Not good for expectant or breastfeeding mothers
  3. Shakes are not to be used as the only source of nutrients
  4. Xanthan gum ingredient not compatible with people with food sensitivities.

Who it’s For

  1. Good for healthy people on the go
  2. If you don’t have time to fix a healthy meal
  3. You want the best healthy, clean nutrition-based meal replacement
  4. For people who don’t put a price on your health
  5. If you are running a marathon, business or family and want to protect your health.

Who it’s Not For

  1. People with digestive problems
  2. Young children
  3. People with sensitivity to certain foods allergies
  4. Anyone looking for a weight loss product
  5. If you are concerned with price
  6. People who don’t like added sugars, natural flavors or Xanthan gum

Ka’Chava Meal Substitute is My Personal Choice

When I first heard about Kachava I was pretty skeptical. I’m not going to lie. I was a Guinea pig to many weight loss products over the years. You name it, I have probably tried it. Here’s my short list. Weight Watchers, Atkins, Mediterranean, Slim Fast, Dash Diet and Lindora.

For the most part, I did lose 15 or more pounds. At the end of the day, it was all in vain. I gained back twice as much. Since I started using Kachava two years ago, I haven’t looked back. After my hip surgery, I lost 70 pounds. Within a year I regained 30 pounds. I am so glad that I found out about Kachava through an online advertisement. Not only did help me with my weight, but it has also helped me keep the weight off. My cravings are non-existent and now than when I was in my 30s. The ingredients are incredible.

Ka’Chava has 85 Plus Nutrients and Plant-Based Ingredients

Plant Based Foods


PLANT PROTEIN BLEND: 29.25 grams (All Organic)

  1. Organic Sacha Inchi Protein
  2. Yellow Pea
  3. Whole Grains, Brown Rice Protein
  4. Amaranth
  5. Quinoa

ADAPTOGEN BLEND: 1020 grams (All Organic)

  1. Cordyceps Mushroom
  2. Ginger
  3. Reishi Mushroom
  4. Maitake Mushroom
  5. Shiitake Mushroom
  6. Maca Root


  1. Coconut
  2. Acai Berry
  3. Camu Camu Berry
  4. Blueberry, Strawberry, Raspberry, Maqui

OMEGA EFA / FIBER BLEND: 11.12 g (All Organic)

  1. Chia Seed, Flax Seed
  2. Pure Whole Grain Oats
  3. Acacia Gum


  1. Beetroot
  2. Chlorella
  3. Moringa (Matcha Flavor Only)
  4. Kale
  5. Green Tea (Matcha Flavor Only)
  6. Parsley Leaf, (Celery, Cauliflower, Brussels sprout, Spinach, Asparagus, All vegetables are Organic)


  1. Amylase
  2. Protease
  3. Cellilase
  4. Lactase
  5. Lipase


  1. Inulin
  2. Lactobacillus
  3. Acidophilus


  1. Vitamin A, C, D, E, B1, B2, B6, B12


  1. Folate, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Iodine, Magnesium
  2. Zinc, Selenium, Manganese, Chromium, Chloride, Sodium Potassium, Copper, Molybdenum


  1. Cocoa (chocolate only), Coconut Milk, Soluble Vegetable, Fiber, Natural Vanilla Flavors, Xanthan Gum, Lo Han Fruit, Guar Gum, Cinnamon


  1. 15 Servings Per Container
  2. Serving Size 60g (2 Scoops)
  3. Calories: 240 Per Serving
  4. Total Fat: 7 grams Per Shake
  5. 9 % of the Daily Value (DV) for 2,000 Calorie Diet
  6. Saturated Fat: 4.5 Grams or 23% of the DV          



  1. Calories: 240
  2. Protein Per Serving: 25 grams
  3. Cost Per Serving: $4.00
  4. Contains Gums and Flavors: Yes
  5. Organic Ingredients: Yes (except pea protein)
  6. Stevia: Yes

Pure Food Real Meals

  1. Calories: 205
  2. Protein Per Serving: 26 grams
  3. Cost Per Serving: $3.50
  4. Contains Gums and Flavors: No
  5. Organic Ingredients: Yes
  6. Stevia: Yes


The Founder, Simone Malone and his Team are dedicated to their humanitarian efforts. They generously give their support to the Rain Forest Trust. This trust protects the world’s most threatened rain forest and endangered species. Over the past 30 years (since 1988), this organization has saved more than 23 million acres of rain forest.

In addition, 100% of project donations go directly to the conservation fund. Each project protects real rain forest acres and saves endangered species.


I highly recommend this product. Even though it may not be the best choice for some people, in my opinion, it is the real deal. The founder has been very forthright in disclosing his reason for creating Kachava. He was at his wits end with eating unhealthy foods every day. His life was called to a higher purpose.

As a result, he has built an excellent product. I am a big fan of this product. Lucky for me, I am not pregnant or breastfeeding and I do not have a sensitivity to any of the ingredients in Kachava. Knock on wood.

Kachava is a high-quality Product. A lot of blood, sweat and tears has gone into this product. Therefore, this product is worth every penny of its price. You will get your money’s worth, I promise. Kachava will not disappoint. When it comes to protecting your physical and mental health, make sure that you choose only the best natural meal replacement.

This is a 9.5 Stars out of 10 Stars

  1. Packaging: 9.5
  2. Ingredients: 10
  3. Flavor: 9.5
  4. Sheerness: 9.5
  5. Value for Money: 9.5


What does Ka’Chava mean?

A. Ka’Chava comes from the Mayan word Earth. The name is a tribute to the South American origin of many of the super foods.

Does it contain Caffeine?

Yes. Their are trace elements trace (cocoa powder).

Is Ka’Chava good for weight loss?

Yes. But it was not intended, specifically for weight loss.

How can I get in touch with Ka’Chava Personnel? or call 1-888-734-4030

Can you mix Kachava with hot water?

According to the product packaging, Kachava should be mixed with ice-cold water. However, I mix my Kachava with almond milk. I sometimes throw in a half sliced banana and chia seeds. You can customize your shake. Sometimes I use only one scoop.

Does Xanthan gum cause upset to some people?

Some people have food sensitivies. Always check with your Healthcare Professionals to see if you are compatible.

How Can we find out more about Rainforest Trust project? forest

Rachele, Founder




2 thoughts on “The Best Natural Meal Replacement – Ka’Chava Review”

  1. Thank you Rachele for your Ka’chava total meal replacement Review, there is a wealth of information contained in this article to help those looking to cut out fast foods altogether.

    This is a step I was convinced to make about ten or eleven yrs ago as I was constantly at least fifty pounds overweight and there didn’t seem to be a common sense solution available on the market at the time.

    I am very glad to see the Ka’chava meal replacement is plant based and was hoping it would be sugar free as well. I noticed some of the blends you list do include fruits. Are there any of these blends that are completely free of add sugars?

    • Hi there, Josph

      Although I am a big fan of Ka’Chava, I am always open to trying newer, improved products. I will admit, not everyone likes the sweetness of Ka’Chava. Just so you know, the recipe suggests that you use 2 scoops. I only use one scoop and you have the option to add water or milk. 

      What I like the best about this meal replacement is the taste. So, you can improvise with the ingredients and find your happy medium. However, there are other meal replacements with less sugar. Monitoring our sugar intake is a good thing. I also make it a point to eat healthy, balanced meals and add Ka’Chave as either a meal or snack.



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