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Success is about the journey, not the destination. It occurs when preparation, ambition and opportunity intersect. The formula for success is simplistic.

The Formula for Success
If you are inviting folks to your home for Thanksgiving, what would happen if everyone showed up and you are not prepared? This would probably be a logistical nightmare, right? So, being prepared also applies to your online business. Preparation is key. Therefore, preparation and opportunity is the main ingredients of the formula for success.
How to Prepare for Success?
While you are advancing through Kyle’s training, bear in mind that you are preparing for future success. This training is the foundation to build on. The Formula for Success
- Moves you toward your goals
- Each lesson builds upon the next
- Every Level is another in-depth skill set
- Preparation refuels your ambition
The Blueprint of a Successful Entrepreneur
The blueprint to success is designed to guide you along the right pathway to success. This blueprint will help you develop empowering daily habits that will instill patterns of behavior to assist you along your journey towards success. Just so you know, successful people have progressive goals and objectives, they are laser-focused, and they are go-getters. Let’s examine a few more characteristics of success. more about The Formula for Success.
Along with focus and drive, successful people also have discipline. Once they are motivated to accomplish something, they work hard to achieve it and are consistent in their efforts. Having a strong work ethic makes you more successful. Here are other traits and characteristics of successful people. Accountability is key in the a component when it comes to success.
The obligation or willingness to accept responsibility. Mustering the Courage to see it, Mustering the Courage to see it, Finding the Heart to OWN it, Obtain the wisdom to Solve it, Exercising the means to do it.
Adaptable means you are able to stay up to date with trends or on top of what needs to change. This also means the way you respond to changes will become a positive quality or strength. That will increase the value you offer others, which will. In turn, make you more valuable. You will also overcome adversity without unnecessary stress. Commitment dovetails adaptability.

Helps you stick to your goals during the good times and the bad times – when barriers get in the way. Two factors contribute to commitment: importance and ability. When you take a job, you make a commitment to show up and do the job well. Making a commitment involves a sacrifice, as it is binding yourself to a course of actions, a promise. Along with commitment, comes communication.
Effective communication is a skill that most people, especially those in a position to influence others, should learn to cultivate. Although good communication involves being a great speaker, it’s also about learning to listen, watching body language and interpreting the gaps in the conversation. Communication is about human connection. It is the key to personal, career and leadership success. Another key player, along with communication is mindset.
Growth Mindset:
Growth mindset stimulates one’s drive, willingness, and overall foundation of belief to achieve bigger and better outcomes. Our beliefs, conscious or unconscious, can either push you or hold you back from advancements and improvements. Successful individuals believe that intelligence and creativity, as well as things like love and friendship, is grown and cultivated with practice and time. Successful people are passionate about what they do.
People who are passionate about what they do, rather than just “in it for the money,” tend to be people who have more positive outlooks and can overcome difficulty through problem-solving. Passionate people are more likely to succeed in what they set out to do. They channel their passion into motivation and focus and perceive difficulties as opportunities rather than challenges. They are champions of perserverance.

According to Steve Jobs perserverance is king and states “I’m convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from non-successful ones is pure perseverance.” Stay at the top of your game. Stay fit. Work out regularly.
Positive Attitude
According to research conducted by NCBI, people with a positive mindset are more successful because they recognize opportunities and take advantage of them. If you have a positive attitude, you’ll always find the good in every situation and are more likely to turn setbacks into opportunities to expand your business. Don’t be afraid to take risks.
Risk-Taking Capabilities
People who achieve greatness take calculated risks. They think things through and evaluate their options. They research and gain the knowledge they need to make an informed decision. Risk takers weigh the pros and cons. They are not afraid to fail.
Viewing Failures as a Learning Curves
Successful people are less likely to be discouraged by failure because they reframe challenges as learning opportunities. This allows them to feel happy, content, and fulfilled ( Let’s prepare ourselves for success.
Ways to Prepare Yourself
Physicality is a Stress Reliever. Physical activity is one of the best ways to prepare yourself for success. In fact, the CDC recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week; which equates to about 30 minutes each day for 5 days a week to start. Here are the results of exercise:
- Optimizes your health
- Improves muscle strength
- Boosts your endurance
- Improves brain health (you become brain strong)
A Healthy Mindset Promotes Clarity and Concentration. It is also the key to your overall health and well-being. A healthy mind affects how you think, feel, and act. It works in unity with your body and influences how you handle stress, relate to others and how you make healthy choices. Healthy mindsets are essential for a successful online business. In addition, healthy mindsets:

- Nourish your mind with positiveness
- Focuses on what you CAN control
- Appreciates the small wins
- Lives in the “here and now” (not in the past or future)
Find What Makes a Difference in Your Life. What brings you the most joy and happiness? is it listening to music, calling a friend, or taking a long walk. Finding you passion will promote, spirituality, creativity and generate a better quality of life.
- Quality time with family and friends
- Make conscious time to exercise (yoga)
- Incorporate healthier food choices
- Join a faith-based community
- Find work life balance
- Find a hobby that you enjoy
- Surround yourself with positive people
Visualization Matters
Whatever you imagine can be materialized. Positive thoughts are very powerful. Did you know that you will manifest your destiny at Wealthy Affiliate? The Wealthy Affiliate platform provides ALL the structure, training and tool Kits you need to succeed. Visualize a successful online business? Did you ever visualize making money in your sleep? And here you are. Voila!
- Whatever you believe, you will achieve
- Keep your eyes on the prize
- Plant seed of success
- Work hard
- Hold fast to your vision of success
- Visualize living on the island of Maui, owning a yacht or two, or owning a Brownstone
- The sky is the limit. Visualize SUCCESS!
- Where Will Your Opportunities Come From?
Opportunities at Wealthy Affiliate
The opportunities at Wealthy Affiliate are ubiquitous, they are everywhere. In fact, you are surrounded by opportunities as we speak. There is no reason to F.A.I.L. here. If you read Susan’s blog (NOV.5), she provided a quote relating to this word. It is a quote by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam – He quotes that “If you fail, never give up because fail means First Attempt In Learning.” What an incredible analogy.
More opportunities found at the Wealthy Affiliate University. Although there are many alumni here, many of us are in our freshman year. Here are some of the opportunities available:
- Complete, comprehensive instruction within the Wealthy Affiliate online Training
- The Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC)training includes 5 Courses and 50 lessons that walk you through the process of creating and growing a business within absolutely any niche you want
- Affiliate Bootcamp
- Level 1: Getting started. Kyle is your host. His training methods are very clear and distinct.
- Level 2: In this level you build your own website. For many students, including me, this is a first.
- Level 3: It gets better. You are Monetizing your website already. Hoe cool is that?
- Level 4: The earth moves under your feet. You Master Social Engagement and moving forward.
- Level 5: Golly Miss Molly, you are Achieving Maximum success through content creation. Yahoo!!!
Wait a minute, this is just the BEGINNING YA’LL! Your cups running over. The opportunities at Wealthy Affiliate University are exponential. Get on the band wagon while the going is great, while the gates are still open. Being a member at WA is a rare opportunity. It is the BEST experience ever. Become an entrepreneur.
Join our team and learn the ropes about affiliate marketing. Moreover, turn your passion into profit. Learn about passive income today:
Welcome to Opportunity – Leveling the Playing Field
Just as the opportunities here are endless, so are the memberships, niches, successful- established entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and affiliate marketing influencers. Your bundles of success are at your disposal. To kick it up a notch, leadership is banging. Kyle and Carson are royalty. And they treat everyone with dignity and respect. Their kindness is unmatched by other affiliate programs. They have leveled the playing field.
Secret Sauce of Success
The secret of success is to let go of all things that will hold you back. You cannot fly when you are weighted down. Leave procrastination, negativity, and all limiting beliefs behind. Embrace a Growth Mindset, and Productivity instead.
- Prioritize your time
- Fine-tune your short/ long-term goals
- Deep dive into the Wealthy Affiliate training
- Access resources – webinars, podcasts
- Networking – connect with niche-mates
- Consistency – show up every day
- Enjoy multiple streams of income
- Reiterate, Rinse and repeat
Answer the following questions and let me know how you fair in terms of success. Leave any questions, comments or feedback in the space provided below. I look forward to great conversation with you. I am always here for you anytime.
- Where Do You Stand on the Success Continuum?
- Are you where you want to be?
- Are you prepared for success?
- What is your secret sauce?
Rachele, Founder