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The idea of creating something out of nothing gave birth to the soup recipes that we have today. The effect that a tasty bowl of your favorite soup has on your taste buds can be life changing. It does something unique to the five physical senses and touches the soul. Think back to your childhood. Your mom or grandma made soup that put the biggest smile on your face, and you knew you were in heaven. One of the benefits of bone broth made by granny was that it filled your tummy and give you a joyous heart.
What is Bone Broth?
Bone broth is a liquid made from boiling animal bones and connective tissue. It is sometimes called stock. Chefs use stock as a base for soups, sauces and gravies. Some people drink it on its own. At any rate, people have been making bone broth since the beginning of mankind. It is seasoned to each individual taste. The benefits of bone broth trickle down from generation to generation.
The History of Jewish Penicillin
Bone Broth in Chinese Medicine
Bone Broth in Ancient Greece
Chicken bone broth was also popular with the ancient Greece. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, stated that broth could cleanse the digestion organs. As a result, bone broth became a major part of every household. Before long, there was no need for medicine. There was a major decrease ailments and complaints. across the board.
Researchers also found evidence about our prehistoric ancestors. They stored away bones to eat at a later date. This type of food storage began approximately 420,000 years ago.
The Benefits of Bone Broth
In addition to the medicinal benefits of bone broth, there are many health benefits as well.
- Digestive Health
- Anti-inflammatory
- Blood Builder
- Strengthen Kidneys
- Nutritional Value
Nutrients Per Serving
Each batch of bone broth is unique. Therefore, it is impossible to calculate the exact nutrient content. However, beef stock is among the more common broths around the word. One cup of beef bone broth contains:
- Calories: 31
- Protein: 5 grams
- Carbohydrates; 1.7 grams
- Fiber: 0 grams
- Sugar: .5 gram
Bone Broth Within the Paleo Diet
The Paleo Bone Broth is:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Bones have 50% protein.
- Includes all connective
- Collagen, is the matrix in bones, tendons, ligaments
- All the above is broken down during cooking called gelatin
- Glycine and Glutamine are amino acids – natural remedy for “leaky gut.”
One study found that chicken collagen improved symptoms of autoimmune disease. Another benefit of bone broth for joint health comes from glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). These are carbohydrates found in bones and connective tissue. Furthermore, bones contain hyaluronic acid.
Ingredients in Chicken Soup
- Whole chicken (3 o 4 pounds)
- Four quarts of cold water
- Three large carrots, cut into 1-inch chunks
- Celery stalks (3), cut in 3-inch chunks
- Medium onion, quartered
- Parsnip, quartered (optional)
- Teaspoon black peppercorns
- Teaspoon kosher salt
- 2 to 3 whole cloves (optional)
- Two bay leaves
- Small bunch of fresh parsley with stems on
- Bunch of fresh dill with stem on (optional)
- 2 2/1 cups dried egg noodles (optional)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Is bone broth safe for everyone?
A. Although bone broth is considered safe, there may be trace elements of lead because bone tends to bind with heavy metals. Therefore, it may not be that safe for young children. Also, it has a fair amount of salt. Those on a low-sodium diet may want to proceed with caution.
Q. How can You get Bone Broth Without Making it?
A. Nowadays, not everyone has the time or ambition to make their own bone broth. However, hardcore Paleo dieters still make their broth from scratch. You can also purchase a bone broth protein mix online. Dr. Kellyann is one of the best products of 2022.
Final Take Home
Very few products in this day and time, can offer you the sun and moon. Bone Broth happens to be a one-of-a-kind miracle super food. At least according to the law of the Paleo Diet. It is also one of the dream foods of Jewish culture. Bone broth enthusiasts claim that it is the holy grail of all the soups.
For starters, it has anti-inflammatory properties, it supports gut health, helps with digestion, it is an anti-ageing agent for skin, and promotes sleep. If this is true, I’m heading over to by whole foods store to stock up on this powerhouse product. You can too. What are you waiting for?
Thank you all for taking this bone broth journey with me. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. This is a fascinating topic. I look forward to many more journeys with you. Share this post with family and friends. Leave your questions and comments below. My turnarounds are quick and attentive.
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