Health Benefits of MCT Oil Powder – A Nutritional Make Over

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Are you noticing how people are rapidly changing in the field of health and fitness lately? Consumers have a laser focus on natural products. Fatness may soon be a thing of the past. One of the fastest growing trends is centered around the health benefits of MCT oil powder. MCT OIL

What Does MCT Stand for?

MCT is the abbreviation that stands for Medium-Chain Triglycerides. In order to understand more about MCTs, let’s talk about their chemistry. Unlike Long-Chain Triglycerides (LCTs.), MCTs metabolize differently. The majority of your diet consists up of LCTs. These chains consist of 13-21 carbons. In contrast, medium-chain fatty acids in MCTs have 6-12 carbon atoms. In addition, many athletes and body builders find the health benefits of MCT oil powder superb.

Health Benefits of MCT Oil Powder

Whether take in the form of oil or power, MCTs are chock-full of health benefits for everyone. For starters, help you curve your appetite. In fact, it is known to boost your energy and within the first day of use. At the same time, it will give a laser-focusing ability. Another component is that it can take away food cravings. This is just the beginning. So far, there is nothing to compare with MCT. Although there are different gradients, some are more potent than others. Therefore, the healthier ones are C8 and C10.

More About the C8, C10, C12 MCT Gradients

There are three main types MCT Oil – C8, C10, and C12. Each offer unique benefits. They promote fat loss and generate a feeling of fullness. In addition, they strengthen your immune system. What more could you ask for? These are fats found in foods like coconut oil. The C in front of the numbers stand for Carbon. I hope you like chemistry.

  1. C8: The Energy Booster (Caprylic Acid)
  2. C10: The Antifungal Phenomenon (Capric Acid)
  3. C12: The Antimicrobial Force (Lauric Acid)

C8: The Energy Booster: Caprylic Acid

C8 is found in coconut, palm oil, butter and in the milk of mammals. This is the easiest for the body to break down into fuel. When you ingest C8, it instantly turns into ketones. It provides mental clarity and stable energy a few minutes after you drink it. C8 is a powerful antibacterial. It also fights infection and reduces gut inflammation. In a 2005 study, it was added to cow’s milk. A result, it killed all the Streptococcus and E. coli bacteria in the milk.

C10: Antifungal Phenomenon: Capric Acid

C10 comes from coconut oil, palm kernel oil, goat’s milk, and animal fats like tallow. It is a powerful antifungal. In a 2005 study, C10 rapidly destroyed 3 strains of Candida albicans. This is a yeast that causes digestive gut issues. It also boosts the immune system.

C12: The Antimicrobial Force: Lauric Acid

C12 is called Lauric Acid. It is the most powerful antibacterial. Your body turns C12 into monolaurin. This is a potent compound that kills pathogens such as measles, herpes simplex, Staph, and E. coli. In addition, it helps with weight loss and fights acne as well.
One study found that people who took 2 tablespoons of MCT oil during their breakfast ate less food. Those who took coconut oil ate more. Whether this holds true for people taking MCT oil powder during breakfast, it remains to be seen

Unique Bio flavinoids C6

During the brain boost, Bioflavinoids (Grapeseed and Currant Extract) comes into play. For example, these enhance blood flow through your system. They are powerful antioxidants as well. Acacia fiber, a Ketone super fuel, gives you a constant dose of energy (Dr, Gundry, M.D., Creator of MCT Wellness).

According to the MCT enthusiasts you will not only feel fantastic you will look amazing. You will have radiant complexion. For the short time I was incorporating the Keto diet in my life, my skin was flawless. Berries, red cabbage, onions, kale, parsley, tea, red wine, citrus fruit, and dark chocolate are examples of bioflavinoids.


Pros and Cons of Oil Versus Oil Powder

There are phenomenal benefits of MCT, whether taken in oil or powder form. They both can help you transition from a high carbohydrate diet to a high fat ketonic lifestyle. MCT balances blood sugar. It also improves mood decreases anxiety and depression. MCT is a wonderful oil with a plethora of benefits. It supports all of the following:

  1. Quick energy
  2. Clear focus
  3. Appetite suppression
  4. Quality fats increases hormone production
  5. Pleasant substitute for coffee cream and sugar
  6. Use in hot/cold drinks
  7. Nice in smoothies or in yogurt
  8. Cook with it

MCT has no Smell and Taste

Another good thing about MCT is that it has virtually no taste or smell. It can be consumed straight from the jar or mixed into food or drink. I hear MCT Wellness is especially good in a sparkling seltzer. You can get MCT in many food sources.


However, there is a downside to Medium-Chain Polysaccharides. For one thing, MCT oils are sometimes messy. Also, it is not water-soluble and does not mix as well as powder. On the other hand, one MCT representative claimed that the oil, in fact, is energizing.MCTs -COCONUT OIL

Food Sources

  1. Coconut oil: 55%
  2. Palm Kernel oil: 54%
  3. Whole milk: 9%
  4. Butter: 8%

Why is MCT the Holy Grail of Macronutrients?

MCT is considered the holy grail of macronutrients because of the effects it has on people. For example:

It is the only fat that can bypass traditional digestion and go straight to the liver. Once there, it is converted directly into ketones, creating more energy for you. Did you know that the three main macronutrients are Carbohydrates, Fats and Protein. The fats contain essential fatty acids, and the proteins provide essential amino acids.

What are Ketones?

MCT is considered the holy grail of macronutrients because of the effects it has on people. For example:

It is the only fat that can bypass traditional digestion and go straight to the liver. Once there, it is converted directly into ketones, creating more energy for you. Did you know that the three main macronutrients are Carbohydrates, Fats and Protein? The fats contain essential fatty acids, and the proteins provide essential amino acids.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are MCTs safe to take?

Yes, they have been well researched in a wide variety of demographics. This study includes people from all walks of life.

Will MCTs prevent your body from burning fat?

Negative. They have just the opposite effect. Firstly, they increase keto production. Secondly, they increase your energy. Thirdly. the energy leads to more fat-burning.

Why take powder instead of MCT?

To some people, MCT oil is messy, and it does not mix well with beverages.

What is the best MCT product on the market?

MCT Wellness is one of the best.

Where can you consumers buy MCT oils or MCT Oil Powder?

Any wholefood store, on Amazon or online. https://gundrymd/supplements/mct-wellness

For Best Practices:

  1. Avoid artificial flavors
  2. Look for Stevia or Monk fruit in the ingredients
  3. Also look for C8 and C10 over C12. They more readily convert to ketones.
  4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Stay on the safe side and avoid use.
  5. Diabetes: MCTs can cause ketone chemicals to build up in the body. Avoid use.
  6. Liver problems: MCTs are primarily processed by the liver. Avoid serious consequences.
  7. Do not use if you have liver cirrhosis.

My Final Take Home Thoughts

My appreciation goes out to you for joining me on this sensitive journey. Now we have the tolls to set our lives on the right path. For many years we have struggled to get control of our weight. Moreover, we have tried time and time again to get a handle on our cravings. Finally, we have a chance to boost our energy and get rid our brain fog. Thanks to MCTs.

This natural macronutrient can solve all of our physical and mental health problems. This little jar of MCT has the power to make a big, incredible impact on every facet of our life.

Rachele, Founder

