Healthy Eating Grocery Shopping – Leveling up to Better Food Choices

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On average United States households spend up to ten percent of their available income on food and groceries. This rounds out to about $105 every week, which equates to about $50 per average trip. However, there are no two people with the same shopping experience. Healthy eating grocery shopping is not a walk in the park. There are endless decisions to make.

Healthy Eating Grocery Shopping

Did you know that 78% of all shoppers report that when they do healthy eating grocery shopping, they spend most of the time reading the nutrition labels to make the most of their purchase. Many shoppers also try to buy produce that is locally grown. In a study conducted at USC researchers found all the following data:

  • 64% of shoppers focused on the nutrition labels.
  • 48% reported to watch out for local products, specifically
  • 30% interested in organic products.
  • Consumers leave about $11 free for unplanned purchases.

Marketing Strategies

When you shop, do you pay attention to the lay of the land? Where are the fresh produce and what items are on the perimeter of the store? In case you didn’t know, each food group of is a part of the store’s marketing strategies. For example, notice the location, labels, buzzwords, and packaging. These stores are designed to attract your attention.

  • Labels
  • Buzzwords
  • Packaging
  • Location

Location, Location, Location


The end of the aisle is reported to be one of the most profitable sections in your grocery store. It is of high interest to consumers. Manufactures take pride in their end of aisle stock and will pay premium prices to do so. Bright colors will also attract shoppers. When it comes to fruits and veggies, color is always a good thing. Just make sure to watch those labels. more about Grocery Shopping.

Nutritional Labels Stand Out

When you shop, do you ever read the labels? This is a good habit to get into. Nutritional labels play a significant part in your purchasing process. Labels are the holy grail for dedicated dieters. It is like a bibliography for food. When you are looking for healthier products, labels are your best friend. However, be aware of the buzzwords.

Captivating Buzzwords

However, make sure you do your homework before falling for buzzwords such as natural, organic or fat-free. These labels are oftentimes misleading. They also tend to carry a higher price. As a precautionary measure, do your research on buzzwords.

For example, in non-fat foods the fat is removed. As a result. his renders the product tasteless. The product is then loaded with sugar is to compensate for the lack of fat. Finally, instead of losing pounds, you end up adding pounds. So, beware of labels, buzzwords, and all packaged foods.

Packaged Foods


Packaging, in and of itself, plays a significant role in the way your grocery products are marketed. Studies show that products that are uniquely packaged have a higher probability of being sold (Psychology of the Grocery Store, USC). Ultimately, a brand can make or break sales potential.

Brands and Packaging

Product brands, through their packaging, work in conjunction with supermarkets in their designs and behaviors. Certain brands, in particular, are created to drive consumers to spend money and become shoppers. I am always pulled in my spam products.

Spam is Always a Lure

There has never been a time that I was in a store to buy a few select items and came out with a carload of items including spam. That was then. This is not the case anymore. I have grown up. Nowadays, I am a more conscientious shopper. As a result, I always do my research prior to spending my money. No more shopping on the fly.

Scientific Research

Scientific research found that our decision-making becomes more impulsive and emotional after a certain period of time in a grocery store or supermarket. The longer time you spend in the grocery store, the more likely you will buy extraneous items. In fact, it also means the quality of your purchasing decisions diminishes significantly. That said, let’s check out the ins and out of grocery shopping.

Be an Armed and Dangerous Shopper

The next time you approach your grocery store, you need to have a few shopping skills under your belt. First, ask yourself do you pay attention to what you buy or are you an impulsive shopper? Once you master these skills, you will become armed and dangerous while inside your local grocery store. Time to get your groove on. Get your mobile device, tablet, laptop, iPad, or desktop ready. We are going master the art of shopping for healthy eating.

Healthy Eating Grocery Shopping


Let’s meet the scientific adviser TNS Global, an Australian retail conglomerate, Dr. Herb Sorenson. His research began in the late 1970s with a focus on shoppers at their points of purchase, capturing their behavior, motivations, perceptions, frequency and preparation (

Prepare Your Shopping List Ahead of Time

A good rule of thumb, in terms of shopping, is to prepare your shopping list ahead of time. This saves you a lot of time and frustration. It also saves you extra trips to the grocery store. Make it a habit to keep a running list when you run out. Paste one on your pantry door or refrigerator. Keeping healthy staple foods is crucial in your healthy lifestyle journey.

Crucial Staple Products

Four excellent products for weight loss are beans, chickpeas, lentils, and peas. These foods influence weight loss due to their effect on fullness, as well as their protein and fiber content. Similarly, to oatmeal and pulses (edible seeds of plants) contain soluble fiber that slows down digestion and absorption. Also, eating protein leads to the release of hormones that signal fullness.

Healthy Sources of Protein


Lean meats, seafood, poultry, legumes, eggs, nuts, and seeds are a few healthy sources of protein that you can easily add to your diet. Studies show that protein promotes a feeling of fullness by reducing calorie intake, which helps contribute to weight loss.

Does Lemon Water Burn Fat?

Absolutely. Lemon water promotes fullness, supports hydration, boost metabolism, and increases weight loss. Lemon water is tasty, easy to make, and is often used as a low-calorie replacement for higher- calorie beverages.

The downside is that it causes enamel erosion or tooth decay because of the acidity in citrus fruit. Too much lemon water leads to heartburn, nausea, vomiting and other gastroesophageal reflux symptoms. So, use lemon juice in moderation.

Final Thoughts

One way to lose pounds or maintain your weight is to add healthy foods to your diet. This is easier said than done. At some point, your food will run out and you will have to schlep to the nearest grocery store. Here’s where the fun starts. Having a prepared shopping list is always a life saver. Grocery shopping, in and of itself, could be a cliffhanger. Once you get the hang of it, Grocery Shopping it will become a habit. Your days will be a lot healthier and happier, and it is a lot easier to stay on track.

Rachele, Founder

