Reasons for Obesity in the U.S. – Hidden Atom Bomb

If you threw in the towel due to excess weight, listen up. Do not give up. Contrary to popular opinion, you exercise and watch what you eat. No one wants to stay fat. You know and I know that something else is going on. You are not alone. The reasons for obesity in the U.S. are uncertain.

Reasons of Obesity in the U.S.

Although the CDC has determined the obesity epidemic a major public health, they lack solutions. Unfortunately, studies show that obesity is a financial burden on our healthcare system. On the other hand, CDC has new, amazing facts about solutions. However, the reasons for obesity in the U.S. are still under observation.

Finding Answers to the Obesity Epidemic

Too many Americans battle obesity on a daily basis. That said, take the following steps to combat this epidemic. First of all, get expert advice from a trusted source. Second, your solutions. There are plenty of Medical Weight Loss clinics in every town. The trick is to find an effective, reputable weight loss specialist. Another source is your public library. Libraries have unlimited resources at their disposal. In addition, librarians are extremely good at assisting their public patrons.


Here’s the deal, librarians are bookworms. They love to search and rescue. Trust me. These bookworms help you improve your google search and navigation skills on the internet. In fact, my local library offers beginner computer classes.

No one is left out in the cold. Bottom line, there are many options to help you deal with the extra pounds. My solution is simple. Educate yourself. Let’s dive into to obesity head-on.

Public Library

What is Obesity?

Obesity is a condition in which excess, body fat accumulates on the body. Unfortunately, this fat negatively impacts your health. Also, when your Body Mass Index (BMI) hits a level of 30 (kg) /2, you are in the red zone.

The BMI is measured in kilograms. So, if your BMI is less than 18.5, you are underweight. Therefore, either way, weight management is the key to good health. From my experience, I promise you, OBESITY is no small matter.

What is the Real Cause of Obesity?

In case, you didn’t know, the real cause of excess weight gain is not about gluttony or food addiction. The reasons go deeper. In fact, the latest CDC research shows that overweight people are genetically pre-disposed to carry extra weight.

Genetic pre-disposition means that you carry certain gene types. Therefore, you are NOT the cause of your size. Skinny people can also be pre-disposed. So, genetics impact your weight size.

Framington Heart Study

On March 15, 2014, the Framington Heart Study was the first long-term heart study of its kind. The only other similar study was the James Mackensie’s longitudinal health study. This study included residents of St. Andrews, Scotland. It uncovered patterns, trends, and outcomes of the Scottish people.

The FHS is a long-term, cardiovascular research of the residents of Framingham, Massachusetts. It began in 1948 with 5,209 adult subjects. Since then, it launched a newer study that is racially diverse. So, Latinos, Asians and African Americans are included.

There are six groups of participants in the FHS. They are: Original Cohort, Offspring Cohort, Third Generation Cohort, New Offspring Cohort, Omni Generation 1 Cohort and Grandchildren of the Original Cohort. The FHS project included 14,000 participants.

For more information, go to 

FHS Participants Live Longer

FHS participants live longer with less medical conditions. For example, no one in this study had a heart attack, stroke or coronary heart disease. As a result, the study shows how a change in lifestyle promotes health and longevity.

Final Take Home

This year is a good time to take stock of your personal health goals. Don’t take your health for granted. And never forget how blessed you are. Besides, we are put on earth for a reason. At the end of the day, the key is to find your purpose. Regroup. Join a group of like-minded people and embrace your flaws. You can make a difference.

What are you waiting for? Get on this life-changing bandwagon. Level up! Your happiness journey has just begun.

Thanks for accompanying me on this life-changing journey. I hope you enjoy learning about how to manage your health habits. Make a habit of incorporating healthy dietary habits, get a good daily workout, and avoid stress with a passion. That’s all it takes to master your lifestyle. You master it by mastering your activities of daily living.

Farmington Heart Study

Yours truly,

Rachele, Founder

