Is BMI a Reliable Measure -Time to Measure Up


As an Amazon affiliate I earn from qualifying purchase at NO extra cost to you When was the last time you received your BMI calculation? Did you understand your BMI score? Just so you know, you don’t have to stress out if your numbers are high. According to the latest information from medical experts your … Read more

What are Other Ways to Assess Excess Body Fat?

women in rust colored dress contemplating weight loss

As an Amazon affiliate I earn from qualifying purchase at NO extra cost to you What are other ways to assess excess body fat? For starters, let’s name a few. Hydrostatic Weighing, Bioelectrical Weighing, Dual-Energy Ex-Ray Absorptiometry, Waist-to-Hip Measurement, and Skinfold Thickness Measurements. These are all effective ways to assess body fat. Let’s examine the … Read more

Is BMI Accurate for Everyone- Does it Factor in Race and Gender?

As an Amazon affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases at NO extra cost to you Did you know that researchers estimate that nearly 75 million Americans are “misclassified” as heart healthy. On the other hand, more than 30 percent of normal-weight Americans are metabolically unhealthy. What do you think? Is the BMI accurate for everyone? … Read more

Body Image and Weight Loss – Catalyst for Body Dysmorphic Disorder


In the Victorian Era and in the 1950s, full-figured, curvaceous women like Marilyn Monroe, set the standard for beauty for woman. Fast forward a couple decades, and this image was altered dramatically. There was an increased emphasis on thinness and weight loss and added pressure to reveal a “toned” look. Nowadays, body image and weight … Read more