Body Fat Types – The Genetically Modified Carousel of Life

Does high blood pressure, heart disease, or high triglycerides run in your family? If so, educating yourself and losing a few pounds could be a game changer for you. You are going to absolutely love that our paths crossed. Here’s the deal. If I can convince persuade to the other side of sickness and disease would you be game? Game on! Our first step is to explore all the clinical body fat types. Are you with me? Let’s do this! FIVE PLUS SIZE MODELS IN TWO-PIECE BATHING SUITS IN GREEN, RED, YELLOW, NAVY BLUE, AND BURGANDY.

You are Not Alone

Everyone I know is dealing with something. No one is exempt. Whether it’s physical, emotional or financial, no one has a perfect life. Listening to the latest news could blow your mind. We are bombarded 24/7 with things that make you go umph. No wonder our stress levels are the through the roof. At the same time, our weight management has left the planet. As I promised, body fat types is the next agenda.

What is fat?

In medical terms, fat is the adipose tissue in the body. This tissue is found three layers deep under the skin. Also, it is a collection of specialized cells, called adipocytes. These adipocytes are embedded in a mesh of collagen fibers. The main job of adipocytes is to store lipids (fatty tissue) and triglycerides (type of fat found in your blood).

Dangers of Visceral Fat

Visceral fat lies underneath the abdominal muscles. In fact, it sits near vital organs including the stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas. Therefore, it is extremely dangerous. In essence, releases hormones, toxins and other damaging substances into nearby organs. In summary, while subcutaneous, white adipose tissue is generally beneficial, visceral white adipose tissue has adverse effect in the body. 

The Evolution of Fat

The origins of obesity can be traced back at least 2500 years ago. As far back as the Stone and Middle ages, being overweight indicated prosperity, power and fertility. However, this facade all change when Hippocrates declared that gluttony was one of the seven sins. Finally, obesity became known as a public health problem. In fact, the World Health Organization made it their mission to promote healthy eating and exercise for the general public in 1948

Ironically, there was no sign of obesity back in the days of the early settlers. Hunters and gatherers had a relatively healthy lifestyle. As a matter of fact, they had no major health diseases. Females had 15% to 25% body fat. Men had only 10% to 15% of fat.

Things began to change during the Industrial Revolution. For instance, there was a rise in automation. Machines soon replaced human labor. Food manufacturers began stocking the grocery shelves with genetically modified and processed foods. Instead of cooking wholesome meals at home, people began to eat at fast food restaurants. The health of a nation, soon drifts downhill. It now hangs in the balance. Obesity is now a major health crisis.

The Great Pandemic of 2020

Since the pandemic, obesity rates have skyrocketed from 19%-22%. Rates haven’t been this high since 1970. Unfortunately, statistics show that obese kids have stiffer arteries. As compared to farmers of the industrial revolution, humans are the most the unhealthiest species of all times. People were forced to stay home. More TV time, the more munchies. The more munchies the more weight gain. You get the picture.

Obesity in China

One Child Policy in China

Asian countries have been bitten by the burger and fries bug. Obesity has hit these countries hard. For example, China and India now hold the world’s record. Combined, they have over 100 million obesity cases. Public health records show a whopping 20% of boys and 10% of girls are obese. Unlike U.S., China was once an ultra- healthy country. 

One-Child Policy Backfired.

In 1980, The Chinese government implemented the One-Child policy. It stated that most Chinese families are limited to having one child each. This put a lot of pressure on couples who wanted to grow their families. As an unintended consequence, parents overcompensated their love for their children. Oftentimes, overfeeding them in the process.

Today, China is struggling with one of the largest obesity crisis in history. To make things worst, fast foods restaurants are flourishing in many Asian countries. Consequently, the Chinese authorities are taking things i n their own hands. Weight loss fitness camps are cropping up all across China. One of the fastest growing trends in China is weight loss.

What Makes People Fat?

People don’t become fat overnight. It happens over time. For one thing, not everyone is born with skinny “genes.” No pun intended. You know the story. Some people can eat everything under the sun any never gain a pound. That is a whole other story. Take a good look at what makes people fat. Do you agree? Please tell me about it.

Couch Potato

Here we go:

  1. Calories (too many bad carbs)
  2. Poor diet (processed foods)
  3. Sedentary lifestyle (couch potato)
  4. Genetics (runs in the family)
  5. Hormonal imbalances
  6. Stress overload
  7. Dehydration (16% to 28% of adults do not drink enough water).

Five Types of Body Fat


Bodies come in all shapes and sizes. No two body frames are exactly alike. For example, women, in particular have difference body shapes. Some are pair shaped. Others are apple, shaped, or hourglass. Moreover, people have different types of body fat too. Excess fat can look differently on different body types. 

Here a list of types of body fat:

  1. Upper Body Fat
  2. Lower Body Fat
  3. Protruding Belly Fat
  4. Subcutaneous Fat
  5. Visceral Fat

Center for Disease Control Statistics

According to the Center for Disease Control, obesity is a common, serious, and costly problem. Instead of seeing an improvement overtime, the effects seem to be worsening. Obesity is now, nationwide and worldwide. Here as some of the latest statistics:

  1. The United States obesity prevalence was 41.9% in 2017
  2. From 1999 to 2000 through 2017 increased from 30.5% to 41.9%
  3. Prevalence of severe obesity increased from 4.7% to 9.2%
  4. Obesity related conditions include heart disease, stroke
  5. Type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer
  6. Among the leading causes of premature death
  7. Younger generations are being diagnosed
  8. Medical cost were $173 billion in 2019.
  9. Medical costs are $1,861 higher than people with healthy weight

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Canadian Society of Exercises


When did Fat Become Okay?

Modern eating habits and a lack of exercise contributes to the current obesity epidemic. Am I right? However, research highlights something was different. For instance, studies show that evolution was the cause of human body fat. Scientists discovered DNA packed inside of fat cells curbed our ability to turn “bad” calorie-storing fat into “good” calorie-burning fat. The bad fat is called White fat. The good fat is called Brown fat. Are you with me? Hang on.

Why are we so much heavier than our primates? Yet, we share the same DNA. It’s all about the DNA inside the fat cells. This knowledge is golden to the scientific community. 

Here is a few more stats that will blow your mind:

  1. People consume 100 lbs. of sugar (per person each year)
  2. Obesity causes insulin resistance
  3. Low level inflammatory response
  4. Too much sugar is addictive
  5. Disrupts neurotransmitters in the brain

Final Take Home

Many of our ancestors were looked up to because of their hefty statures. However, this is not the case for people of today. Women, in particular are deemed unhealthy if they carry an excess amount of weight. The problem is, that being obese causes serious consequences.

Extra weight can put an extra load on the cardiovascular system. In addition, it can induce serious health problems. Also, obesity causes high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis and some forms of cancer. In the meantime, let me know your thoughts about this public health crisis. How can we reverse this deadly trend? Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to chat. Stay tuned for Body Fat Types Part 2.

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Yours truly,

Rachele, Founder

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