What is Ovo-Vegetarian Diet – Inclusion of the Cage-Free Egg

HEALTHY FOODS - OVO-VEGETARIAN DIETWhat is Ovo-Vegetarian Diet? The U.S. News and World Report magazine writes that about 5% of the U.S. population follows some type of vegetarian diet, according to their latest Gallop Poll. This means about 16 million people are consuming a vegetarian diet (Nov. 2022).

What is Ovo-Vegetarian Diet?

An ovo-vegetarian diet excludes all animal-based foods except cage-free, unfertilized eggs. People ask what is Ovo-Vegetarian Diet in a nutshell? The answer comes down to this – Ovo-vegetarians eat plant-based protein sources such as beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, seitan, nuts, and seeds. Consuming the right foods is key.

Ovo-Vegetarians Consume Different Foods

Research suggests that people who follow the ovo-vegetarian diet consume nutrient dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, as compared to non-vegetarians. Many vegetarians choose diets based on their health status. Ovo-vegetarian is compatible for people who are lactose intolerant or who have allergies and food sensitivities. This diet choice is very healthy for some people.

Is Ovo-Vegetarian Diet Healthy

Other benefits of ovo-vegetarian are as follows:

  • Multiple studies find that an ovo-vegetarian diet have 30-40% reduced heart.
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves gut health
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Promotes balanced blood sugar
  • More affordable than a meat-based diet.

Where Does the Word Vegetarian Come From?

How did veganism start? Although the word ”vegetarian” was not coined until the mid-nineteenth century, the meatless diet has been around for as long as people have. However, vegetarianism has evolved.

How did Vegetarianism Evolve?

Vegetarianism is an issue steeped in pre-history, history, philosophy, and religion. Vegetarians were politically subversive for so long in the west. In Daniel Bensana’s book review he reflects upon Colin Spencer’s book, The Heretic’s Feast: A History of Vegetarianism.

According to Benshana, “the vested interests in killing animals for food were so huge they were a part of what a human being is.” In his book, Colin Spencer writes about three major factors that drives vegetarian thinking:

  1. Compassion for the suffering of animals.
  2. An abhorrence of flesh and things of the world.
  3. The use of diet as a support for good health.

The Vegetarian Diet of Pre-Historic Humans

Prior to 3.5 million years ago, early humans survived almost exclusively on leaves, shrubs, herbs, and fruit from trees, like modern-day gorillas and chimpanzees. These omnivores also ate flowers, bark, and insects. In addition, some humans ate meat (Andrews & Martin, 1991; Watts, 2008). However, the Pythagoreans and ancient Greeks were vegetarians.  Colin Spencer's Book Photo - Heretics Feast Vegetarianisn

Pythagoras and the Ancient Greeks:

The Pythagorean meals were based on the Hippocratic diet, except for meat consumption. Meat was strictly forbidden by Pythagoras. To avoid health risks, Pythagoras and his followers lived on a simple diet of bread, honey, and vegetables. He believed his preferred diet was healthier than a meat-based diet. Even the early Christians were plant-based as well.

The Early Christians

The only dietary restriction specified for Christians during biblical times was to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, or from meat of strangled animals (Acts 15:19). These were the teachings that the early church leaders, such as Clement of Alexandria, preached for believers. The early Christians ate bread, cooked grains, wheat, barley, millet, and legumes. In addition, Buddhists and Hindus were vegetarians and they abstained from meat.

Buddhism and Hinduism

People of many faiths, such as Hindus, Buddhists, Rastafarians, Seventh Day Adventists, and Jains, consume vegetarian and vegan diets. In addition, people in the Middle East eat bread, rice, vegetables, salads, pickles, olives, dates, nuts. The Malthusian Theory was another growing concern to vegetarians.

Malthusian Problem of Population Growth

The Malthusian theory explained that the human population grows more rapidly than food supply. As a result, famines, war, or disease would automatically reduce the population. Another thing that hinders population growth is abstinence and homosexual lifestyles according to my theory. The Malthusian Theory feared that meat-based diet would be less sustainable than vegetarian. There were many vegetarian influencers during this time.

Famous Ancient Vegetarians

Did you know that many ancient, prominent people were vegetarians back in ancient times. Here are a few people who abstained from eating meat: TYPES OF VEGETARIANS - LACTO AND OVO-VEGETARIAN

  • Pythagoras
  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • George Bernard Shaw
  • Gandhi
  • Hitler

Life Without Meat?

Eating less meat benefits the economy. For one thing, it lowers the rates of disease. The PNAS study led by Dr. Springman concluded that there were 8.1 million fewer deaths, as a result. Vegetarianism saves around $700 to $1,000 billion every year on healthcare, unpaid care, and lost working days (2016). His study found that what we eat greatly influences our personal health and the environment we share. Eating less meat has the following benefits:

  • Lowers risk of heart disease
  • Stops cruelty to animals
  • Prolongs life
  • Saves the environment

Drawbacks of Ovo Vegetarian Diet

First, on restrictive diets, make sure you get enough protein, iron, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, Zinc, and Omega-3 fats. Second, limit ultra-processed, refined foods, refined oils, added sugars, and added sodium. Vegetarian diets are low in certain nutrients and put you at a higher risk for deficiencies.


You must consume eggs, legumes, and seeds. Also, be sure you get enough iron from produce such as lentils, soybeans, garbanzo beans, pumpkin seeds, brown rice, and fortified cereals. Also, according to many nutritionists, bone broth is also very conducive to a healthy lifestyle.


When you shop, fill your cart with turnip greens, Bok choy, arugula, white beans, tofu, and all calcium-fortified foods. You can also ask your doctor about Calcium supplements as a last resort.

Vitamin D:

Eggs from pasture-raised chickens, calcium-fortified foods, mushrooms treated with UV light. XENON Pulsed UV light in the processing and handling of mushrooms has been approved by the FDA. Mushrooms exposed to this EXENON pulsed light produce vitamins. https://www.xenoncorp.com.

Furthermore, mushrooms contain a compound called ergosterol that converts into vitamin D2 under UV rays. This action occurs in all mushrooms, including white, brown, and portobello mushrooms. The USDA has reported that exposure to light boosts their nutritional value and gives growers the opportunity to gain a competitive edge in today’s health-conscious marketplace.

Vitamin B12:

Eggs are a great source of B12. As do other fortified food such as milk substitutes or nutritional yeast. VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY - CAUSE MAJOR HEALTH CONCERNS


Whole grains, eggs, nuts, seeds, nuts, and legumes are excellent sources of protein. These foods are all ovo-vegetarian friendly.

Omega-3 Fats:

Chia seeds, fax seeds, hemp hearts, and walnuts are great plant-based sources omega-3 fats. Additionally, eggs from hens that are fed omega-3 enriched feed provide these healthy fats.

What are the Ovo Vegetarian Nutritional Needs?

A well-planned ovo-vegetarian diet is ideally comprised of a variety of whole, plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, eggs, and egg products.

Dairy Substitutes:

Soy milk, almond milk, oat milk, hemp milk, cashew milk, dairy-free yogurt, dairy-free cheeses


Olive oil, avocado, walnut, coconut oil, flaxseed. Just go easy on the oils. They are high-caloric (120 per tablespoons).


Just because the label on a food says it’s vegetarian, that doesn’t mean it’s healthy. As a vegetarian, shop wisely and read the labels. Stay in touch with your primary care physical to keep accurate record of your medical status.

Ovo-Vegetarian Diet Help the Environment?

Vegetarians put less strain on the environment. Moreover, environmentalist believe that when you eat fewer animal products you significantly decrease the amount of water your diet requires, and you diminish the amount of land it takes to produce your food.

Vegan Beauty Projects are Trending

There are growing number of Vegan online vendors who sell vegan beauty products, clothing, jewelry, and a litany all other products that do not come from tortured or abused animals.

Case Study

A 2016 study published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States found that switching from a traditional American diet to a vegetarian or vegan diet results in a 29 to 70 percent drop in greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the head researcher, Dr. Hunnes, eating a vegetarian or vegan diet is one of the most impactful things you can do to lower your personal greenhouse gas emissions to protect the environment. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS - RESULT OF MEAT PRODUCTION


Define an Ovo Vegetarian?

A type of vegetarian that is allowed to eat eggs but not dairy products. “Ovo” comes from the Latin word for eggs. These vegetarians are also called “Eggetarians.” They avoid eating meat, fish, poultry, and dairy.

The Most Restrictive Type Vegetarian Diets

Veganism is the most restrictive form of a vegetarian diet. It is based solely on plant-based foods. While on a vegan diet, you do not consume any animal products or byproducts. Vegans do not eat red meat or any other kind of meat. There are other vegetarian diets such as lacto-vegetarian, pescatarian and flexitarian, and they are not as restrictive as vegan.

What do Ovo-Vegetarians eat?

Ovo vegetarians avoid eating meat, fish, poultry, and dairy, except for eggs.

Breakfast: Banana smoothie with almond milk, oats, chia seeds.

Lunch: Tofu stir-fry, brown rice, and vegetables or a tossed green salad, sliced apples.

Dinner: Veggie burger on whole wheat bun, with lettuce and tomatoes, and red onions. LACTO-VEGETARIAN FOODS - FOR PEOPLE WITH FOOD SENSITIVITIES

Tips for Success on Ovo-Vegetarian

  • Up your protein
  • Make sure you get enough iron
  • Include a variety of nutrients
  • Choose healthy foods
  • Avoid ultra-processed foods

Benefits of Eating More Plants, Less Meat

The economic reason is that ovo-vegetarian diets are cheaper, they help the environment, less animal suffering (killing them for food), and there are many health benefits. Non-vegetarian diets are more expensive. The meat industry weighs heavily on the planet. It causes the greenhouse gas emissions comparable to emissions made by large automobiles. A Few more benefits include:

  • Improved diet quality
  • Better weight management
  • Lower disease risk
  • Improved digestive health
  • More affordable produce

The dangers of the Standard American Diet?

The SAD consists of way too many high-caloric, low-nutritional valued produce. Foods contain excessive sugar and salt and are overprocessed, ultra-processed and contain high amounts of fat. Over time, the Standard American Diet (SAD) contributes to cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, increased LDL, and elevated blood sugars.

Health Benefits of the Ovo-Vegetarian Diet

There are health-related reasons related to choosing ovo-vegetarian lifestyle. For example, this diet is excellent for anyone who is lactose intolerance and if you want to avoid unhealthy amounts of gluten in certain dairy products. It improves your overall dietary quality.

Why Choose Ovo-Vegetarian Lifestyle?

An ovo-vegetarian diet is an appropriate choice for those who want to be vegetarian but have allergies or sensitivities to dairy products. Furthermore, others, may choose this diet for religious, environmental, or ethical concerns about the treatment of animals. For example, many People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are also ovo-vegetarians. THANK YOU

Final Thoughts

Every one of us has the privilege or right to choose the diet plan of choice. We all have individual health and nutritional needs. What works for one person, may not work for another. I have friends that have chosen a vegan lifestyle. Although I love the idea of abstaining from all meat and animal products, I choose to lean toward a plant-based lifestyle, instead.

There are various types of vegetarian diets such as lacto-vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian, pescatarian, or flexitarian. We are individuals and have diverse dietary needs. What is most admirable is that all these diets are designed to help the environment, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and stop the unnecessary slaughter and abuse of animals. This, in and of itself, is what makes these diet plans commendable.

Thank You

Thanks for joining me on this vegetarian journey. Please share this post with anyone you think would benefit from reading it. Also, feel free to leave your questions and comments in the space provided below and I will respond immediately. I look forward to good conversation.

Rachele, Founder

(w) mybluegenes.com
